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Recently Published Papers

  1. Su, R., Dodge, S., & Goulias, K. G. (2022). Understanding the impact of temporal scale on human movement analytics. Journal of Geographical Systems, 1-36

  2. Xiao, J., & Goulias, K. G. (2021). How public interest and concerns about autonomous vehicles change over time: A study of repeated cross-sectional travel survey data of the Puget Sound Region in the Northwest United States. Transportation Research Part C, 133, 103446.

  3. Su, R., Dodge, S., & Goulias, K. (2021, November). A time-geographic approach to quantify the duration of interaction in movement data. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Animal Movement Ecology and Human Mobility (pp. 18-26).

  4. Laviolette, J., Morency, C., Waygood, O. D., & Goulias, K. G. (2021). Car Ownership and the Built Environment: A Spatial Modeling Approach. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

  5. Dodge, S., Su, R., Johnson, J., Simcharoen, A., Goulias, K., Smith, J. L., & Ahearn, S. C. (2021). ORTEGA: An object-oriented time-geographic analytical approach to trace space-time contact patterns in movement data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 88, 101630.

  6. Su, R., Xiao, J., McBride, E. C., & Goulias, K. G. (2021). Understanding senior's daily mobility patterns in California using human mobility motifs. Journal of Transport Geography, 94, 103117.

  7. Su R and K.G. Goulias (2021) Evolution of the Chinese spring festival travel network during the COVID-19 early outbreak. Transportation Letters, 13(5-6), 492-500.

  8. Goulias, K. G. (2021). Special issue on understanding the relationships between COVID-19 and transportation. Transportation Letters, 13(5-6), 327-330.

  9. Su R. and K.G. Goulias (2021) Exploration of human mobility motifs in the California component of the 2017 National Household Travel Survey. hEART. 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, February 3-4, 2021.

  10. Su R., E.C. McBride, and K.G. Goulias (2021) Unveiling daily activity pattern differences between telecommuters and commuters using human mobility motifs and sequence analysis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 147, 106-132.

  11. Shih, H. C., Stow, D. A., Chang, K. C., Roberts, D. A., & Goulias, K. G. (2021). From land cover to land use: Applying random forest classifier to Landsat imagery for urban land-use change mapping. Geocarto International, 1-24.

  12. Su R., E.C. McBride, and K.G. Goulias (2020) Pattern recognition of daily activity patterns using human mobility motifs and sequence analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 120, November. 

  13. Goulias K. G., E.C. McBride, and R Su (2020) Life Cycle Stages, Daily Contacts, and Activity-Travel Time Allocation for the Benefit of Self and Others. Chapter 13 in Mobility Across the Life Course: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (Eds Joachim Scheiner and Henrike Rau), Edward Elgar.

  14. Xiao, J., Su, R., McBride, E. C., & Goulias, K. G (2020) Exploring the correlations between spatiotemporal daily activity-travel patterns and stated interest and perception of risk with self-driving cars. AGILE: GIScience Series, 1, pp. 1-15.

  15. McBride, E. C., Davis, A. W., & Goulias, K. G. (2020) Exploration of statewide fragmentation of activity and travel and a taxonomy of daily time use patterns using sequence analysis in California. Transportation Research Record, 2674(12), pp. 38-51.

  16. Ravulaparthy, S., & Goulias, K. G. (2020). Activity Time-Use Patterns and Experienced Satisfaction: Travel Behavioral Dynamics from the 2010–2013 American Time-Use Survey Data. Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States).

  17. Goulias, K.G. A. W. Davis, and E. C. McBride (2020).  Chapter 1 - Introduction and the genome of travel behavior. In Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome (edited by Goulias K.G. and A.W. Davis), Elsevier, pp. 1-14.

  18. Davis A. W., A. Polydoropoulou, A. Stathopoulos, B. Farooq, C. R. Bhat, C. Antoniou, J. Zhang, K. G. Goulias, K. Mohammadian, M. Kamargianni, P. L. Mokhtarian, R. M. Pendyala, Y. Shiftan, (2020). Chapter 32 - Workshop summary and research themes. In Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome (edited by Goulias K.G. and A.W. Davis), pp. 635-673. Elsevier,

  19. Davis, A. W., McBride, E. C., & Goulias, K. G. (2020). Chapter 6 - Environmental correlates of travel behavior from a destination attractiveness and activity timing perspectives. In Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome (edited by Goulias K.G. and A.W. Davis), pp. 83-102. Elsevier,

  20. McBride, E. C., Davis, A. W., & Goulias, K. G. (2020). Chapter 19 - Sequence analysis of place-travel fragmentation in California. In Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome (edited by Goulias K.G. and A.W. Davis), pp. 371-398. Elsevier,

  21. McBride, E. C., Davis, A. W., & Goulias, K. G. (2019). Fragmentation in Daily Schedule of Activities using Activity Sequences. Transportation Research Record, 2673(4), pp. 844-854.

  22. Davis A.W., Lee J.H., McBride E.C., Ravulaparthy S., Goulias K.G. (2019) California Business Establishment Evolution and Transportation Provision. In The Practice of Spatial Analysis (edited by Briassoulis H., Kavroudakis D., Soulakellis N.), pp. 295-323. Springer, Cham.

  23. Lee, J. H., Davis, A., McBride, E., & Goulias, K. G. (2019). Statewide Comparison of Origin-Destination Matrices Between California Travel Model and Twitter. Paper (#18-00857) presented at the 97th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, January 7-11, 2018, Washington D.C., included in the TRB proceedings and published in Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics (pp. 201-228). Elsevier.

  24. Davis A.W., E.C. McBride, K. Janowicz, R. Zhu, and K.G. Goulias (2018) Tour-based path analysis of long distance non-commute travel behavior in California. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2672 (49), pp. 1-11.

25.  Davis, A. W., McBride, E. C., & Goulias, K. G. (2018). A latent class pattern recognition and data quality assessment of non-commute long-distance travel in California. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672(42), pp. 71-80.

26.  McBride E.C., A.W. Davis, and K.G. Goulias (2018) A spatial latent profile analysis to classify land uses for population synthesis methods in travel demand forecasting. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2672 (49), pp. 158-170.

27.  Lee J. H. and K.G. Goulias (2018) A decade of dynamics of residential location, car ownership, activity, travel and land use in the Seattle metropolitan region. Transportation Research Procedia: Papers selected for the 22nd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 24-26, 2017.  Pages 420-439. Subsequently published in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 114, pp. 272-287.

28.  Lee J. H. and K. G. Goulias (2017) Companionship and time investment in social fields at different life cycle stages: Implications for activity and travel modeling and simulation. Paper presented in Frontiers in Transportation 2015 workshop, Beaumont Estate, Windsor, July 24, 2015, and published in Research in Transportation Economics, 68, pp. 18-28.

29.  Lee J.H. A.W. Davis, S.Y. Yoon, and K.G. Goulias (2017) Exploring Daily Rhythms of Interpersonal Contacts: Time of day dynamics of human interactions using latent class cluster analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2666 (1), pp.58-68.

30.  McBride E., A.W. Davis, J.H. Lee, and K.G. Goulias (2017) Incorporating Land Use in Synthetic Population Generation Methods and Transfer of Behavioral Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board - No. 2668, pp. 11-20. DOI 10.3141/2668-02.

31.  Ravulaparthy S. , K.C. Konduri, and K.G. Goulias (2017) Exploring the role of activity time-use frontiers on emotional well-being: an evidence from disability and use of time survey. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board – No. 2669, pp 80-90. DOI: 10.3141/2665-10.

32.  Lee J., Davis A. W., and K. G. Goulias (2017) Triggers of Behavioral Change: Longitudinal Analysis of Travel Behavior, Household Composition and Spatial Characteristics of the Residence.  Journal of Choice Modelling, Volume 24, pp 4-21. 

33.  Lee J.H. A.W. Davis, E. McBride, and K.G. Goulias (2017) Exploring Social Media Data for Travel Demand Analysis: A comparison of Twitter, household travel survey and synthetic population data in California, Paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 8-12, 2017. In TRB Compendium of Papers.

34.  Ravulaparthy S. and K.G. Goulias (2016) Fundamental Linkages Between Activity Time-Use and Subjective Well-Being for Elderly Population: A Joint Exploratory Analysis Framework for In-Home and Out-Of-Home Activities. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2566, pp. 31-40. DOI: 10.3141/2566-04.

35.  Ravulaparthy S. and K.G. Goulias (2016) Exploring the Role of Location in Dynamics of Birth and Death of Business Establishments: Case Study Analysis of Santa Barbara County, California. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2564, pp. 106–117. DOI: 10.3141/2564-1.

36.  Kroesen M. and K. G. Goulias (2016) Modelling Activity-travel Behaviour Dynamics with Panel Data: The State-of-the-art. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research Issue 16(4), 2016 pp. 633-637 ISSN: 1567-7141.

37.  McBride, E., Lee, J. H., Lundberg, A., Davis, A. W., & Goulias, K. G. (2016). Behavioral Micro-dynamics of Car Ownership and Travel in the Seattle Metropolitan Region from 1989 to 2002.  European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research Issue 16(4), 2016 pp. 735-753 ISSN: 1567-7141. 

38.  Davis A. W., Lee, J.H. & Goulias K.G. (2016)  Taking Place Attitudes into Travel Behavior Research. Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. In TRB Compendium of Papers.

39.  Lee, J. H., Davis, A. W., & Goulias, K. G. (2016). Activity Space Estimation with Longitudinal Observations of Social Media Data. Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. Transportation, Volume 43, Issue 6, pp 955–977. doi:10.1007/s11116-016-9719-1.

40.  Lee J., S. Gao, and K. G. Goulias (2016) Comparing the Origin-Destination Matrices from Travel Demand Model and Social Media Data. Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. In TRB Compendium of Papers.

41.  Shao, C., Xia, J. C., Lin, T. G., Goulias, K. G., & Chen, C. (2015). Logistic regression models for the nearest train station choice: A comparison of captive and non-captive stations. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 3(4), 382-391.

42.  Lee J., S. Gao, and K. G. Goulias (2015) Can Twitter data be used to validate travel demand models? Paper presented the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor 19-23, July. 

43.  Davis A. W., J. H. Lee, K. Deutsch-Burgner, E. McBride, K.G. Goulias (2015) Perception and Reality: Linking Metrics of Place Perception to Measurable Attributes of Place Using Cross-Classified SEM Analysis. Paper presented the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor 19-23, July.

44.  Tsouros I., A. Polydoropoulou, K.G. Goulias, and A. Tsirimpa (2015) Rhythms in Urban and Island Areas: Does Lifestyle Affect Daily Dynamics? Paper presented the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor 19-23, July.

45.  Goulias K.G. (2015) An Overview of GeoSimulation for Smart City Planning, Design, and Operations. Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2015. Faculty of Transportation Sciences, June 24 - 25, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. 

46.  Goulias K.G. (2015) Design and Implementation of a Simulator of Activities, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Networks, and Travel (SimAGENT) in Southern California. International Conference on Foresight. 22-24 June 2015, Athens, Greece.

47.  Lee J.H., A.W. Davis, and K.G. Goulias (2015) Triggers of Behavioral Change. Paper presentation at the 4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, TX. May 10-13, 2015.

48.  Davis A.W., J.H. Lee, K. Deutsch-Burgner, E. McBride, and KG Goulias (2015) Perception and Reality: Linking Metrics of Place Perception to Measurable Attributes of Place Using Cross-Classified SEM Analysis. Paper presentation at the 4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, TX. May 10-13, 2015.

49.  Goulias, K., Lee, J. H., Deutsch-Burgner, K., Davis, A. W., & Wu, F. (2015, May). Detection and Measurement of Latent and Manifest Heterogeneity of Familiarity, Perceptions, and Attractiveness of Places Using Multilevel Analysis. Paper presentation at the 4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, TX. May 10-13, 2015.

50.  Lee J.H., A.W. Davis, and K.G. Goulias (2015) Exploratory Analysis of the Relationships Among Long Distance Travel, Sense of Place, and Subjective Well-Being of College Students. Paper presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015. Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2014-8-01, Santa Barbara, CA.

51.  Lee J.H. and K.G. Goulias (2015) Examining Differences and Commonalities of Life Cycle Stages in Daily Contacts and Activity-Travel Time Allocation. Paper presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015. Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2014-8-02, Santa Barbara, CA.

52.  Davis A.W., J.H. Lee, and K.G. Goulias (2015) Analyzing Bay Area Bikeshare Usage in Space and Time. Paper presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015. Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2014-8-03, Santa Barbara, CA.

53.  Goulias K. G., J.H. Lee, and A.W. Davis (2015) Longitudinal Mixed Markov Latent Class Analysis of the 1989 to 2002 Puget Sound Transportation Panel Data.  Paper presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015. Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2014-8-04, Santa Barbara, CA.

54.  Ravulaparthy S.K. and K.G. Goulias (2015) Exploring locational influences on technical efficiency of business establishments in Santa Barbara County using stochastic frontier modeling framework. Paper presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015. Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2014-8-06, Santa Barbara, CA.

55.  Deutsch-Burgner K and K.G. Goulias (2015) Measuring Heterogeneity in Spatial Perception for Activity and Travel Behavior Modeling. Paper presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015. Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2014-8-07, Santa Barbara, CA. 

56.  Lin, T. G., Xia, J. C., Robinson, T. P., Goulias, K. G., Church, R. L., Olaru, D., ... & Han, R. (2014). Spatial analysis of access to and accessibility surrounding train stations: a case study of accessibility for the elderly in Perth, Western Australia. Journal of Transport Geography, 39, 111-120.

57.  Ravulaparthy S.K. and K.G. Goulias (2014) A comprehensive evaluation of locational determinants on birth and death of business establishments. GEOTRANS Report 2014-8-05, Santa Barbara, CA.

58.  Dalal P. and K. G. Goulias (2014) An Analysis of Jobs, Business Establishments, Housing, and Commuting Travel in the Smart Growth Centers of the Puget Sound Region. GEOTRANS Report 2014-3-01, Santa Barbara, CA.

59.  Yoon S., S.K. Ravulaparthy, and K.G. Goulias (2014)  Dynamic diurnal social taxonomy of urban environments using data from a geocoded time use activity-travel diary and point-based business establishment inventory. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 68, 3-17. Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2013-11-01, Santa Barbara, CA.

60.  Deutsch-Burgner, K., Ravualaparthy, S., & Goulias, K. (2014). Place happiness: its constituents and the influence of emotions and subjective importance on activity type and destination choice. Transportation, 41(6), 1323-1340.  Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2013-07-02. Santa Barbara, CA.

61.  Ravulaparthy, S.K., and K.G. Goulias (2014) Characterizing the Composition of Economic Activities in Central Locations: A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Urban Network Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2430(1), 95-104.  Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2013-07-01. Santa Barbara, CA.

62.  Isbell, N. A., and K.G. Goulias (2014) Modeling Second-by-Second Traffic Emissions in a Mega-Region. Paper accepted for presentation at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2014.  Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2013-08-03, Santa Barbara, CA.

63.  Chen, Y. Goulias K. G., C. R., Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2014) Residential Geolocation of Households in a Large-Scale Activity-based Microsimulation Model and Development of a High Definition Spatial Distribution of Vehicle Miles Traveled. Paper accepted for presentation at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2014.  Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2013-08-02. Santa Barbara, CA.

64.  Goulias K. G., S. Ravulaparthy, K. Konduri, and R.M. Pendyala (2014) Using Synthetic Population Generation to Replace Sample and Expansion Weights in Household Surveys for Small Area Estimation of Population Parameters. Paper also accepted for presentation at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2014.  Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2013-08-01. Santa Barbara, CA.

65.  Paleti R., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, K.G. Goulias, T.J. Adler, A. Bahreinian (2013) Assessing Impact of Transportation Policies on Fuel Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Household Vehicle Fleet Simulator. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2430(1), 182-190.

66.  Ravulaparthy S. K., K. G. Goulias, S.Y. Yoon, and A. Polydoropoulou (2013) Transport Mobility, Activity, and Subjective Well-being. In Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospect (Roorda, M. and E. Miller eds), Lulu Publishers, USA.

67.  Goulias K.G. and R.M. Pendyala (2014) Choice Context.  Chapter in Handbook of Choice Modelling (eds Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly), Emerald. Also published as GEOTRANS Report 2013-02-01. Santa Barbara, CA.

68.  Ravulaparthy, S. K., Goulias, K.G., Sweeney, S. and Kyriakidis, P.C. (2013). Exploring the spatial and temporal patterns of business concentration and dispersion: A case-study analysis for County of Santa Barbara. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of Western Regional Science Association, February 24-27, Santa Barbara, CA

69.  Goulias K. G., S. K. Ravulaparthy, A. Polydoropoulou (2013) An Exploratory Analysis on the Time-of-Day Dynamics of Episodic Hedonic Value of Activities and Travel. Paper 13-0521 presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2013. 

70.  Ravulaparthy S.K., S.Y. Yoon, and K.G. Goulias (2013) Linking Elderly Transport Mobility and Subjective Well-being: Multivariate Latent Modeling Approach. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2382(1), 28-36.

71.  Paleti R., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and K. G. Goulias (2013) Modeling of Household Vehicle Type Choice Accommodating Spatial Dependence Effects. Paper 13-3920 presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2013. This paper received the Pyke Johnson Award by TRB. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2343(1), 86-94.

72.  Deutsch K. and K. G. Goulias (2013) Decision Makers and Socializers, Social Networks, and the Role of Individuals as Participants. Transportation, Volume 40, Issue 4, pp 755-771. 

73.  Tang D., S.K. Ravulaparthy, and K. G. Goulias (2013) Geolocating Activities to Business Establishment Locations Using Time-Dependent Activity Assignment for Travel Demand Modeling. Paper 13-4455 presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2013.

74.  Dalal P. and K.G. Goulias (2013) Preparation and Adaptation Processes in Travel Behavior Dynamics: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach. Geotrans Report 2013-01-01. Santa Barbara, CA.

75.  Deutsch K., S.Y. Yoon,  and K. G. Goulias (2013) Modeling travel behavior and sense of place using a structural equation model, Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 28, pages 155-163.

76.  Goulias K.G., R.M. Pendyala, and C. R. Bhat (2013) Chapter 2: Keynote - Total Design Data Needs for the New Generation Large-Scale Activity Microsimulation Models. In Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making (eds J. Zmud, M. Lee-Gosselin, M. Munizaga, and J. A. Carasco). Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, UK.  

77.  de Abreu e Silva, J.C. Morency, and K.G. Goulias. (2012) Using structural equations modeling to unravel the influence of land use patterns on travel behavior of workers in Montreal.  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 46, Issue 8, pages 1252-1264

78.  Goulias K. G. (2012) Geosimulation, activity microsimulation, and safety analysis:  commonalities and the potential gain in merging analytical methods. Journal of Transport and Shipping. Vol. 5, pages 85-96.

79.  Goulias K.G., C. R.Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, Y. Chen, R. Paleti, K. Konduri, G. Huang, and H. Hu (2012)  Simulator of Activities, Greenhouse Emissions, Networks, and Travel (SimAGENT) in Southern California.  Paper 12-0845 presented at the January 2012 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012.  

80.  Ravulaparthy S.K., P. Dalal, Y. Chen, and K. G. Goulias (2012) Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Hierarchical Clustering in Los Angeles County, California. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2307, Issue 1, pages 132-140.

81.  Lei T., Y. Chen, and K. G. Goulias (2012) Opportunity-Based Dynamic Transit Accessibility in Southern California: Measurement, Findings, and Comparison with Automobile Accessibility. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2276, Issue 1, pages 26-37.

82.  Bhat C. R., K.G. Goulias, R.M. Pendyala, R. Paleti, R. Sidhartan, L. Schmitt, and H. Hu (2012) A Household-Level Activity Pattern Generation Model: Simulator of Activities, Greenhouse Emissions, Networks, and Travel (SimAGENT) System in Southern California.   Paper 12-4226 presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012.

83.  Vyas G., R. Paleti, C.R. Bhat, K.G. Goulias, R. M. Pendyala, H. Hu, T. J. Adler, A. Bahreinian (2012) A Joint Vehicle Holdings (Type and Vintage) and Primary Driver Assignment Model with an Application for California. Paper 12-3701 presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012. (in press)

84.  Seraj S., R. Sifhartan, C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and K.G. Goulias (2012) Parental Attitudes Toward Children Walking and Bicycling to School: Multivariate Ordered Response Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2323, pp. 46-55. 

85.  de Abreu e Silva J., K.G. Goulias, and P. Dalal (2012) A Structural Equations Model of Land Use Patterns, Location Choice, and Travel Behavior in Southern California.  Paper 12-3422 presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012.  (in press)  

86.  Deutsch K. and K.G. Goulias (2012) Understanding Places Using a Mixed Method Approach. Paper 12-2984 presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012. 

87.  Yoon SY, K. Deutsch, Y. Chen, and K.G. Goulias (2012) Feasibility of using time-space prism to represent available opportunities and choice sets for destination choice models in the context of dynamic urban environments. Transportation, Volume 39(4), pp. 807-823. 

88.  Yoon S.Y. and K.G. Goulias (2012) Exploratory Analysis of Differences Between Men and Women in Time and Travel Task Allocation Patterns and Time-Space Prism Accessibility in Dual-Income Households With and Without Children.  Paper 12-2668 presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012.

89.  Pendyala R.M., C.R. Bhat, K.G. Goulias, R. Paleti, K.C. Konduri, E. Sidhartan, H. Hu, G. Huang, and  K. P. Christian (2012) The Application of Socioeconomic Model System for Activity-Based Modeling: Experience from Southern California Paper 12-2186 presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012.

90.  Ravulaparthy S.K., P. Dalal, Y. Chen, and K. G. Goulias (2012) An Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Hierarchical Clustering Using Opportunity-based Accessibility and Reported Land Values and its Relationship with Residents Characteristics in Los Angeles County.  Paper 12-1297 presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012.

91.  Deutsch K. E., S.Y. Yoon, and K.G. Goulias (2012) Using Sense of Place to Model Behavioral Choices. Paper 12-0144 presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012.

92.  Kamargianni M., A. Polydoropoulou, and K.G. Goulias (2012) Teenagers’ Travel patterns for School and After-School Activities.  Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 48. pp. 3635-3650. (Paper presented at the Conference Transport Research Arena Europe, Athens 2012).

93.  Goulias K.G. and S.Y. Yoon (2011) On the Relationship Among Travel Behavior, Time Use Investment and Expenditures in Social Networks.  Paper presented at the 16th HKSTS International Conference, Hong Kong, China, December 17-20, 2011, and published in the conference proceedings, pp. 429-436.

94.  de Abreu e Silva J., Martinez L., and K. G. Goulias (2011) Using a multi equation model to unravel the influence of land use patterns on travel behavior of workers in Lisbon. Paper prepared for presentation at the Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management 2011 Conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, July 5-8, 2011.

95.  Isbell A. N. and K.G. Goulias (2011) A Method for Computing Flight Emissions and Identifying Potential Point-to-Point Aviation Market. Paper in proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation System, Vienna, Austria, June 29 to July 1, 2011, pp.333-338.

96.  Goulias K.G., C. R. Bhat, R. M. Pendyala, Y. Chen, R. Paleti, K. C. Konduri, G. Huang, and H. Hu (2011) Simulator of Activities, Greenhouse Emissions, Networks, and Travel (SimAGENT) in Southern California: Design, Implementation, Preliminary Findings, and Integration Plans. Paper in proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation System, Vienna, Austria, June 29 to July 1, 2011, pp. 164-169.

97.  Yoon S.Y., K. Deutsch, Y. Chen, and K.G. Goulias (2011) Feasibility of using time-space prism to build choice sets for destination choice models.  Paper prepared for presentation at the International Choice Modelling Conference 2011, Oulton Hall, UK, July 4-6, 2011. (

98.  Deutsch K., S.Y. Yoon, and K. G. Goulias (2011) Unpacking the theory of sense of place. Is it useful to choice modeling? Paper prepared for presentation at the International Choice Modelling Conference 2011, Oulton Hall, UK, July 4-6, 2011. (

99.  Yoon S. Y. and K.G. Goulias (2011) Life cycle dynamics of the impact of land use on time use and intra-household interaction. Paper presented at the 16th HKSTS International Conference, Hong Kong, China, December 17-20, 2011, and published in the conference proceedings.

100.         Deutsch K., S.Y. Yoon, and K. G. Goulias (2011) Unpacking the theory of sense of place. Is it useful to choice modeling?  Paper prepared for presentation at the International Choice Modelling Conference 2011, Oulton Hall, UK, July 4-6, 2011. (

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